I have a Facebook fan page now~ (created by myself...|||)
The main purpose it for YouTube users to get more info about me.
I used to have the link of my real Facebook page on my YouTube Channel, but people could only see the basic info about me.
In order to avoid friending strangers and keeping my privacy, and inspired by the YouTube users I have subscribed, I finally (and very uncomfortably...) made a fan page for myself.
I guess I'm the type of person that wish for my talent to be popular, but not the person myself...which is so hard to keep up...||| (and probably why I'm kinda awkward to public situations...) (I'm a good friend tho! ><)
I am not expecting the page to be as popular as YouTubers like the awesome Sam Tsui, or the amazing Kurt Schneider (You ppl go like them now!), but I'm just looking for people who appreciate my works and it makes me happy to know that there are people enjoying playing my arrangements~=)
After all it all comes down to how I don't know hot to make a website...OTL
我有我的臉書粉絲專頁了~ (自己弄得...|||)
我本來在我的YouTube頻道貼的是我的臉書主頁 但是如果不加我朋友的話只能看到一點點的信息 也不方便直接交流
但是我又不想再加陌生人到朋友裡 為了保護隱私 又從我有訂閱的YouTube使用者的粉絲專頁得到了靈感 所以終於(有點不自在地...)開了自己的粉絲專頁
我的個性實在是很麻煩...我想要讓我的天賦受歡迎 不過不是我個人本身... 所以在聚光燈下我就渾身不舒服 但又希望大家如果可以的話只關注我的才藝... (我在公眾場合會超變扭 可是熟的話我私底下算很健談啊 ><)
我是沒有期望我的粉絲專頁會像Sam Tsui和Kurt Schneider的專頁那樣爆紅啦(不知他們的人快去按讚!!), 不過如果知道有人喜歡我編的曲 然後還演奏得很開心的話我也會很高興的~